Localization Presenter

This feature is new in DotVVM 2.0.

Localizable presenter is a mechanism which detects and sets the correct culture before the HTTP request is processed, so all methods (including async/await calls which may use different threads) use the same culture consistently.

The LocalizablePresenter is a class which accepts two functions - the first one can detect the culture from the Request Context, the second one invokes the presenter which will process the page.

The class provides two factory methods which create an instance of the localization presenter:

  • BasedOnParameter uses a route parameter to persist the culture name.
  • BasedOnQuery uses a query string parameter to persist the culture name.


Localization presenters are configured as part of route registration.

In order to use route parameter as culture identifier, use the following registration:

config.RouteTable.Add("Default", "{Language:length(2)}", "Views/Default.dothtml", new { Language = "en" }, presenterFactory: LocalizablePresenter.BasedOnParameter("Language"));

To use query string parameter, use the following registration:

config.RouteTable.Add("Default", "", "Views/Default.dothtml", presenterFactory: LocalizablePresenter.BasedOnQuery("lang"));

If the language is not specified, the default culture from DotVVM Configuration is used for the specific request. The LocalizablePresenter factory methods have also the second optional argument which tells the presenter to automatically redirect to default culture if no culture is specified.

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