
in namespace DotVVM.Bootstrap5.Controls

Renders a Bootstrap input group widget.

Usage & Scenarios

Renders a Bootstrap input group that can contain different types of input group child controls.

Sample 1: Basic Usage

The InputGroup control can contain any number of input group child controls.

The following controls are supported inside InputGroup:

There is also the Size property which can be set to Large, Small and Default.

  <bs:InputGroupCheckBox Stype="Swith" Checked="{value: true}" />

  <bs:InputGroupRadioButton id='1' Text='RadioButton 1' GroupName='RadioButtons'
                            CheckedValue='RadioButton 1' CheckedItem="{value: Text}" />
  <bs:InputGroupRadioButton id='2' Text='RadioButton 2' GroupName='RadioButtons'
                            CheckedValue='RadioButton 2' CheckedItem="{value: Text}" />
  <bs:InputGroupLiteral Text={value: Text} />

  <bs:ComboBox DataSource="{value: ComboBoxDataSource}"
               SelectedValue="{value: SelectedValue}"
               ItemTextBinding="{value: Text}"
               ItemValueBinding="{value: Value}"
               ItemTitleBinding="{value: Title}" />

  <bs:InputGroupDropDown IsSplitButton="true" Text='Drop Split Button'>
      <bs:DropDownItem Text='Text'>
      <bs:DropDownItem Text='Text'>

  <bs:TextBox Text="{value: Text}" />

  <bs:InputGroupDropDown DataSource="{value: ItemDataSet}"
                               ItemText="{value: Text}"
                               Type="Danger" Text="Right Dropdown"
                               data-ui="right" />

  <bs:Button VisualStyle="Outline" Type="Warning" Text="Test Link Button" />
  <bs:LinkButton Text="Test Link Button" />
  <bs:RouteLink RouteName="Default" Text="RouteLink" />

public class ViewModel : DotvvmViewModelBase
    public bool RadioButtonValue { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; } = "Text";
    public bool Checked { get; set; } = false;
    public ButtonType Type { get; set; } = ButtonType.Warning;
    public int SelectedValue { get; set; }

    public List<ListItem> ComboBoxDataSource { get; set; } = new()
        new() { Value = 1, Text = "Too long text", Title = "Nice title" },
        new() { Value = 2, Text = "Text", Title = "Even nicer title" }

    public List<ListItem> ItemDataSet { get; set; } = new()
        new() { Text = "Page One", ParamId = 0, Enabled = true, IsSelected = true, NavigateUrl = "" },
        new() { Text = "Page Two", ParamId = 1, NavigateUrl = "" },
        new() { Text = "Page Three", ParamId = 3, Enabled = false, NavigateUrl = "" }

    public class ListItem
        public int Value { get; set; }
        public int ParamId { get; set; }
        public bool Enabled { get; set; }
        public bool IsSelected { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string NavigateUrl { get; set; }


Name Type Description Notes Default Value
property icon Content List<IInputGroupItem> Gets or sets the inner elements containing only RouteLink, Button, LinkButton, InputGroupDropDown, InputGroupRadioButton, TextBox, ComboBox, InputGroupCheckBox and InputGroupLiteral controls.
inner element
static value
property icon Size Size Gets or sets the input sizes for all elements inside the InputGroup control.
inner element
static value
property icon Visible Boolean Gets or sets whether the control is visible. When set to false, `style="display: none"` will be added to this control.
inner element
static value

HTML produced by the control