
in namespace DotVVM.Framework.Controls

Renders a script that is executed when the DotVVM framework is loaded.

Usage & Scenarios

Renders a script that is executed when the DotVVM framework is loaded.

Sample 1: Basic InlineScript

The content of the InlineScript control is rendered as javascript in the page.

The framework adds a global object dotvvm which can be used to access client-side features. You can use the following events fired by the framework.

  • init: Executed when the DotVVM scripts and all required resources are loaded and the viewmodel is applied to the page.
  • beforePostback: Executed before the postback is sent to the server.
  • afterPostback: Executed after the postback response is received from the server.
  • error: Executed when the postback fails due to a some error on a server.
  • spaNavigating: Executed when you leave some page in the SPA container.
  • spaNavigated: Executed when you enter some page in the SPA container.
<dot:InlineScript> { alert("Page loaded"); });

Sample 2: Custom Error Handler

If the postback fails, you can invoke your custom code - e.g. display a message to the user.

@viewModel DotvvmWeb.Views.Docs.Controls.builtin.InlineScript.sample2.ViewModel, DotvvmWeb

<dot:Button Text="Sample Button" Click="{command: NeverEverRunThis()}" />

<!-- put inline script anywhere in the page -->
<dot:InlineScript> {
		alert("Custom error handler!");
		args.handled = true;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using DotVVM.Framework.ViewModel;

namespace DotvvmWeb.Views.Docs.Controls.builtin.InlineScript.sample2
    public class ViewModel
        public void NeverEverRunThis()
            throw new Exception("This method was called from View Model.");



Name Type Description Notes Default Value
property icon Dependencies String Gets or sets the comma-separated list of resources that should be loaded before this script is executed.
inner element
static value
property icon Script String
inner element
static value

HTML produced by the control