Custom tracing

This guide describes how to achieve something similar like the MiniProfiler widget, but for any tracing technology you like.

Request tracing

You can implement a IRequestTracer interface, and register the instance in the ServiceCollection. DotVVM will automatically call the methods on it.


The main method of the tracer is TraceEvent method. It receives name of the event as a string. We use string just to allow anyone to extend the set of events, but DotVVM itself will call you with following events.

  • BeginRequest - when DotVVM gets the request from Asp.Net Core or OWIN. It's called before a matching route is selected, so the context.Route is going to be null.
  • ViewInitialized - when the initial control tree is created, but before DotVVM initializes the view model
  • ViewModelCreated - when the view model is creates, before it is deserialized and before Init is called
  • InitCompleted - after Init is called on view model and all controls
  • ViewModelDeserialized - after the view model is deserialized (only called for post backs)
  • LoadCompleted - after Load is called on view model and all controls
  • CommandExecuted - after the command is executed (only called for post backs)
  • PreRenderCompleted - after PreRender is called on view model and all controls
  • ViewModelSerialized - after the view model is serialized to JSON
  • OutputRendered - when output HTML or JSON is written to the response body
  • StaticCommandExecuted - after static command method is executed


The EndRequest(IDotvvmRequestContext context) is called in case the request is handled successfully. The other overload EndRequest(IDotvvmRequestContext context, Exception exception) is used, in case an exception occurs.

All these method return a Task, so you can do any async operation. However, we encourage you to avoid long running operations since the tracing is called quite number of times during the request. If you want to monitor timing between the events of a DotVVM application, slow tracing may ruin your measurements.

Sample tracer

With this knowledge, we can create a simple tracer, that will just write the timings to standard output. We'll start a Stopwatch when we get the BeginRequest event and then just print the elapsed time.

In our sample, we don't use async IO, as writing using Console.WriteLine is more convenient.

public class SampleRequestTracer : IRequestTracer
    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
    public Task TraceEvent(string eventName, IDotvvmRequestContext context)
        if (eventName == "BeginRequest")
        Console.WriteLine($"Trace {sw.Elapsed}: {eventName}");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public Task EndRequest(IDotvvmRequestContext context)
        Console.WriteLine($"Trace {sw.Elapsed}: End of request");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public Task EndRequest(IDotvvmRequestContext context, Exception exception)
        Console.WriteLine($"Trace {sw.Elapsed}: Error occurred ({exception})");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

The tracer should be registered in the IServiceCollection (in the ConfigureServices method of ASP.NET Core startup class):

services.AddScoped<IRequestTracer, SampleRequestTracer>();

Note that only requests to DotVVM pages are traced. Requests for other resources are not included in DotVVM tracing.

Application startup tracing

DotVVM also contains an interface called IStartupTracer, which uses similar logic as the IRequestTracer to track the events of the application startup routine.


The main method of the tracer is TraceEvent method. It receives name of the event as a string. We use string just to allow anyone to extend the set of events, but DotVVM itself will call you with following events.

  • AddDotvvmStarted is called when the AddDotVVM method is entered in ASP.NET Core (UseDotVVM in ASP.NET Core).
  • DotvvmConfigurationUserServicesRegistrationStarted is called before the ConfigureServices in DotvvmStartup.cs is called.
  • DotvvmConfigurationUserServicesRegistrationFinished is called after the ConfigureServices in DotvvmStartup.cs was completed
  • DotvvmConfigurationUserConfigureStarted is called before the Configure in DotvvmStartup.cs is called.
  • DotvvmConfigurationUserConfigureStarted is called after the Configure in DotvvmStartup.cs was completed.
  • UseDotvvmStarted is called when the UseDotVVM method is entered in ASP.NET Core. On OWIN, this is called before DotVVM middleware is added in the request pipeline.
  • InvokeAllStaticConstructorsStarted is called before DotVVM starts scanning assemblies for DotVVM controls and properties.
  • InvokeAllStaticConstructorsFinished is called after DotVVM finishes scanning assemblies for DotVVM controls and properties.
  • UseDotvvmFinished is called when the UseDotVVM method is ending.
  • ViewCompilationStarted is called before the view compilation starts. This event is not traced when the view compilation mode is set to Lazy.
  • ViewCompilationFinished is called after the view compilation ended. This event is not traced when the view compilation mode is set to Lazy.


This method is called after the application startup is completed. Because the view compilation runs on background, some events may be traced after this method is called. The startup tracer can optionally submit these "late events" to the IDiagnosticsInformationSender instance.

See also