
in namespace DotVVM.Framework.Controls.Bootstrap4

Represents a row in Bootstrap grid system.

Usage & Scenarios

Renders a Bootstrap row.

Sample 1: Row with Columns

The row can contain one or more Column controls.

  <bs:Column style="background-color: blue; color: white">
    Column 1
  <bs:Column style="background-color: red; color: white">
    Column 2

Sample 2: Gutters

By default, columns in Bootstrap rows use gutters to preserve space between them. The gutters can be disabled by the UseGutters property.

<bs:Row UseGutters="false">
  <bs:Column style="background-color: blue; color: white">
    Column 1
  <bs:Column style="background-color: red; color: white">
    Column 2

Sample 3: Horizontal Alignment

The JustifyContent property allows to specify horizontal alignment for all screen sizes.

There are also JustifyContentSM, JustifyContentMD, JustifyContentLG and JustifyContentXL to specify the behavior for particular screen sizes.

  • Start aligns the columns to the left.
  • Center aligns the columns to the middle.
  • End aligns the columns to the right.
  • Around distributes the remaining space equally around every column.
  • Between distributes the remaining space equally in the gaps between columns.

See the diagram in Bootstrap Grid documentation.

<bs:Row JustifyContentMD="Start" JustifyContentMD="Center">
  <bs:Column style="background-color: blue; color: white">
    Column 1
  <bs:Column style="background-color: red; color: white">
    Column 2

Sample 4: Vertical Alignment

The AlignItems property allows to specify vertical alignment of the columns in the row.

  • Start aligns the columns to the top.
  • Center aligns the columns to the middle.
  • End aligns the columns to the bottom.
<bs:Row AlignItems="Center">
  <bs:Column style="background-color: blue; color: white">
    Column 1
  <bs:Column style="background-color: red; color: white">
    Column 2


Name Type Description Notes Default Value
property icon Type RowType Gets or sets whether this is a normal row or a row inside form.
inner element
static value
property icon UseGutters Boolean Gets or sets whether the row has gutters.
inner element
static value

HTML produced by the control